
Jili Box or Jubox? Which would you want to charging your Juul in your pocket

Juul is small and easy to misplace, and it keeps us dependant on a USB outlet. Since the famous little ecig is not a pass-thru device, charging it with its standard charger means you are forced to take a break. But there’s good news. There are a 2 chargers that’ll allow you to keep Juuling. Jili Box 1200mAh battery Could store 2 Juul pods Much faster than standard USB charger   JuBox Smalleast Size All metal construcion Strong magnet keeps juul secure   Choose a charger case you want on  sunme.com

JUUL Chargers on Sunme. Jili Box and Jubox charging case

Jili Box PCC Sale Price $25.99 Delivery USPS delivered in 7 days 30 days warranty Click here to get it Another handy and all metal design juul charger ---  Jubox  1000mah PCC

Charging your JUUL with JILI Box

Get Jili Box  with $29.99 with free USPS shipping. Ship from USA and delivered in 7 days. If you have any questions, please contact with juulchargercase@gmail.com

JILI box 1200mah portable charger case for JUUL. PCC JUUL charger charging your JUUL on the go

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